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Soft Shell püksid kõrged vöökohad Burgundy110/116

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    Tuule- ja veekindlad koorikpüksid, valmistatud 100% polüester Taslanist.

    Taslan on kõrgtehnoloogiline nailonmaterjal, mis sobib aktiivsetele lastele ja pakub suurt hingavust, vett tõrjuvat omadust ja suurt liikumisvabadust. Reguleeritavad traksid ja tugevdatud põlved ja tagaosa. Koorikpüksid on teibitud õmblustega. Koorikpükstel on palju helkureid, et tagada hea nähtavus. Pluusil on elastne jalaava koos elastsete kingarihmadega. Need püksid on avarad suuruse poolest, nii et teie laps saab nendega kasvada.

    • Veekindlus: 15.000 mm
    • Hingavus: 8000 g
    • Veekindlus BIONIC-FINISH®-iga
    • ECO-impregneering, tehnoloogia, mis ei kasuta PFAS-e.
    Artikli nr.: 2810566
    100% Polyester taslon/100% recycled polyester lining
    40 degrees, no tumbling. Low dryer temperature
    Bionic Finnish Eko

    All of our wind and water-resistant outer garments have Bionic Finish ECO®. It is completely free of harmful substances such as fluorocarbons, formaldehyde and paraffin.

  • Spetsifikatsioon
    Size cl 74/80 86/92 98/104 110/116
    Seat 1/2 36 38 40 42
    Inseam 30 36 42 48
  • Kohaletoimetamine ja tagastus

    We strive to send all orders from our warehouse within two business day. Further information regarding delivery time and cost for your specific location is available at the checkout.

    When your order has been shipped from our warehouse we will send you a delivery confirmation by email with the tracking number. For more delivery questions visit our FAQ

    We want you to be satisfied with your product and have the opportunity to look more closely at it. If you would like to return the product, you can read more about our return policy here. 


  • Arvustused
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